Friday, March 7, 2014

वायुसेवा निगमसँग नयाँ बोइङ ७५७ दुइटासमेत गरी २१ विमान थिए

Nepal AirlinesKathmandu, Feb 10 - A Malaysia Airlines Boeing 757 New duitasameta time Of The 21 Aircraft were Paganism. Grammar and Domestic destination Cals Refineries Good To Yuddahbir CORPORATION Everywhere. The Change in 2046, holland Mafia became dominant. Jr., In Toronto episode, Chase Air trunk, due to political interference in the appointment and the corporation became empty. 

Three aircraft at present runs the NOC ground clutter income source for the brunt of the cost. Thirty-five years ago (in 1978), Ganesh Thakur, the then Royal Nepal Airlines erred when employment began in eleven aircraft, a Boeing 727, a half-dozen Ne'pali and ebhro and Pilatus Porter, two / two. Lugo were flying everywhere as domestic destination, Delhi, Calcutta, Patna and Bangkok flight was even. 

Hong hunk charter flight was. In 1982, began regular flights to Hong Kong. In 1985 the government bought 5 and Canada Grants were given five to 10 Ne'pali aircraft. A Time erred new Boeing 757 aircraft were duisameta 21. Thakur, deputy general erred in a months holiday when two Boeing 757 asylum claims and Ne'pali two are the only current means. 

Thakur on Thursday when the ship was number three in deforestation. Litter is a Ne'pali plane crashed Sunday Corporation. In 1987, two ships for the NOC international flight - Boeing 757) to bring the letter of agreement as to the legal adviser to the final, dhruvavarasinha Thapa. The two Airbus 320 ships in 27 years when his son decides to have legal counsel sajjanavara Singh Thapa. 

Finally, after having Aabhash yard advocate Thapa started to buy the aircraft mentioned in the NOC say, 'Why has reached the corporation that such ratings by Willie enough to know.' Old things have retired from the General Raju KC kotyaumda kerosene are emotional. When buying two Boeing - in 1987) made in 1991 and 1992 in a business planaanusara / 767 aircraft, according to Boeing thapinupathryo. 767 flights to Europe using the 757 plan was to use the regional flights, "says Casey recently endowed with a private company. 

NOC Kathmandu - Pa | m I began was flying start. P | m I began - London flight was. In 2002, I had to close the NOC Europe flights. The change in the 2046 secession of business establishments without political interference would rise to at least 12 international flights erred Wide Body and 8 aircraft were up across the six. America, Australia, Japan and the flight was flung destination. The sky will be at least 50 percent share of international flights would probe. A

Haile CPA probe is 4 percent of the market. Weekly flights to 20 international corporation has contracted four places. 'In the period from 1987 to 1996 was the golden Corporation, "Casey recalled. Corporation Managing Director Madan ventures nepalajastai undeveloped ithiyopiyako BB - Ethiopia Airlines) to 60 aircraft are now flying PIRG and Nepal. Governor of the Central Bank Board and are inclusive of 5 ministers. 'The country's situation and gave the other will try to be honest that would be decent example of the Dalit probe it,' he adds, 'that will show our misfortune led fibrosis.' 

Mafia dominates the political change in an old employer, Holland said. Methamphetamine was started but could modify purvayojanalai Corporation. NOC Management Change Management major made the pilot babivikrama MRP. Boeing 767 in 1991, it said the plan Vuitton. 'Benny' has made the kind of mobile voice and ability to plan, why. 2048, made either to the government pradiparaja Pandey GM rice has been rapidly atop Corporation employees follow. '

The Representative returned the trunk leaned Corporation began to make, "the official said," After the NOC did not try to handle. 'According to the sources at the corporation associated with the corporation in charge of the Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala had given unannounced at EW. Lugo made a former Managing Director of the pressure sujatakai Pandey. The whole of Europe is landlocked with five people General Sales Agent - GSA) was appointed. Earlier in Europe BECHU different GSA. 

Removing himself landlocked letter monopoly dominance of Europe, Germany jiesaele Corporation tirnaparne Prostitute dues. Thus, nearly 10 million Euro cargo Corporation. Airlines tickets to the Helsinki Commission 9 percent. GSA that the market for the promotion even more from 3 to 4 percent of the international trend. NOC the same mistakes. PhD large amount of landlocked | m ticket to the deal was. 'Dhamijale 38 percent of addicts themselves,' the old employee of inferiority m split. Jr. has taken advantage of the UML government in the political road LIAT expected some improvement was. 

UML led government appointed Managing Director of the Corporation kalyanadeva Bhattarai breaching the landlocked GSA intergovernmental agreement a 'revolutionary' decision. But the British court challenge to resign after dhamijale legal counsel, the letter of indemnity and deeds expels the Corporation spent 40 million rupees. 'The corporation was dissolved down to the gum as dhamijasamga deal,' Corporation is a construction worker says, 'so it was not landlocked plan that had good dhamijakai doubt that.' After buying the ship, Holland hardly be usable. 

Instead, 9 enaebiena aircraft in 1993/94 was on sale. Halle rented plane to earn money corporation 'making the kind of collapse' game began. Vimanavala telecom companies to deal brokering maphiyale wanting him. Commission erred in keeping his seat outright vimanavala companies get better rest. Rent the air as the legality of the NOC in Toronto 2 thousand 8 hundred dollars paid hourly try. This intermediary company 4 hundred dollars heel. 

Joke in Toronto in 1999 when the tenant Fired 7 months flying the colors of 1 billion deficit was Rs 79 crore. Shrestha, the executive director of the grave was the deal that would be Oprah. Moreover, the hidden costs were too many. MANHATTAN afoot in Toronto can not continue to ship the flight here nigamakai official guidelines. Without the agreement, the flight time is discarded in Toronto overnight. 

Airport in Toronto aviation sector is notorious episode warn. Making the NOC came worn, Chase Air trunk. In the name of the fake companies to chase the air to bring the ship to the NOC 5 million dollar deal was lost. Executive Chairman of the Hong Kong treble chase air strike. 'Rent payments should take the deal after taking counter bank guarantee, "KC said,' without warranty of money sent in the name of Chase jokes. 'Known then Executive Director KC himself claimed lack samjhautasameta.' After the deal was hernasatha this Fraud company is, 'he adds. 
But not enough to the ship, saying that the news came from the corporation even receive official was sent. After the first time in 1987 in the strategic plan in the NOC 2007 attempt to buy the aircraft was freed affairs issue. Executive Chairman of Satyam kansakarale 5 years three / three warm and wide body aircraft purchase plans. 

Workers, government agreed to buy a warm and was given a wide body aircraft. But the process of change in the government corporation responsible tuhiena only purchase process that lasted section on the only issue. 'Addicts shook the purchase process was blocked because it was failed to be,' the then Managing Director of Baldwin says Casey. According to his agent (middleman) without the purchase process was enhanced. But the market was used for a large trust and noise. 

Minister, Public Accounts Committee, the authority had everyone's eyes. The then Finance Minister Surendra Pandey European Union France, England, Germany and Belgium Ambassador summoned asked not all addicts and build a transparent transaction were given the writing. 'Still, the aircraft can book only wasted money sent to sidestep the issue that was used to hunt process canceled, "he said. Tells the process also deploys the American embassy and airline crews Corporation official said the Gulf countries. 

US Embassy Boeing Boeing built the country reaps the nuns wanted to own the NOC. Theissen also protecting the airline company cut its trade NOC 'active' were. Durghatanakai ships are lost due to the NOC 6. 27 years old Osama Fund for flight number is reduced only 4 probe attacks. Old plane because the flight destinations are reduced. 

Flying low, and the Tribhuvan International Airport in Bangkok-the Champions Corporation reframing. 'Ground hyahdalinako not work if the corporation is immediately closed, "says Thakur. 069/70 on the ground that the income source for 2 billion 40 million. Since dollar value increased, and international flights Corporation income source for the poor and the ground is on the rise. Corporation Financial Report 2058/59 to 2063/64 CE 90 million 3 million 39 thousand 6 hundred and 39 was manipulating. 

Corporation 2064/65 deficit was at Rs 16 crore. President Corporation is a international flight to the ship was long broken Orbit. 2068/69 on the NOC 5 billion 25 million income mesh realia profit was Rs 7 crore. Last year, domestic service has managed to extend its operating expenses 2 tivanaatarale dollar decline and the very top ukliekale income more financial clarity. 2069/70 is estimated to gain about 30 million likely. 

New ships of creative license to preserve the old Corporation of aircraft Boeing had to start obligation. Other aircraft on the flight to Dubai when 10 tons of fuel a ship 16 tons of grapes would grow Corporation to carry fuel operating costs because much more is happening. It should fuel and other equipment repair kharcadekhi parisramikabhanda employees is a separate additional charge. Because some of the premier political calakhelakai losses have not been fulfilled yet. 

According to the Financial Department of the corporation at that time, about 1 billion deficit still remains. But, that even now, some part of the income of the NOC and in Toronto stem Jr., Chase Air Chips has been the use of harm reduction. Consolidated Aircraft Corporation in Toronto brought on because of the inability of eyaralagayata loss was 62 million. Rental Corporation in Toronto and 4 large ships brought pots for international flights. Germany had sent an aircraft engine luphthansale make up. 

NOC for 60 thousand dollars tirnuparyo rainwater. The ship brought speyarsa parts thereof only finds the NOC. Pending for a long time to declare that became holes. Erred when 19 aircraft were prativimana 1 in 32 employees are now more than doubled its prativimana 2 hundred 80 employees - a total of 1 thousand 5 hundred more) Corporation are working. New rolling ship, the captain and the flight targeted are - lack of sympathy with the corporation since the last time the administration has called for the application. 
Similarly, for the purposes of a thousand administrative and other staff, he said. 'The ship arrived, we need employees, "spokesman Hari Sharma says,' Now, unless it is difficult to prepare. 'Here, the pilot of the ship due to lack of the Pepsi are being Babylon.'

The process has already started between the najelieko, then, in 2013, the two old one and it is a restatement of last year were ruled out, 'then is involved in the purchase process have said, adding that the issue when the corporation 10 years have appeared sooner. ' 
10-year business plan to begin the purchase process at management was prepared. 

Hence, by 2010, after three years 737 and 787, the aircraft was lenders. According to him, would have been an unpleasant process arrives at the two long-distance flight in 2016 to close 'Wide Body' Here, the start of the process would bring. The airport is about 60 billion market for running the UN, Tiger Fired be embarrassed Tourism says the Holy Karki. 'Ships and passenger cheaply if the external plane ticket also enjoyed the company possesses a monopoly,' he said, 'but all Nepalis for the ship to be beneficial to resign.' 

A ray of hope in China, the government made two MA Y -60 and -12 to bring four percent. Similarly for international flights coming year in February and April, a /, according to GBI will erred in Airbus. Half a dozen of the country's potential, MA -60 weekly flights can all be Managing Director of the corporation, Madan disarray. Similarly regular flights will be two regional Gearshifts. MANHATTAN old plane because the flight is difficult to International. Current ship was flying to Hong-April timeframe. 

Athoritisamga airport to the 2015 phebraarisammako whipped he said. New aircraft arrived from the old Boeing 757 flight Romney really increase the need for international sector beyond their goals. 'Endeavor to regain credibility by giving priority to reliable service will take back, "he added. According to Airbus brought in 2 years, is the target of wide body Airbus purchase. Flights to Europe by 2020 is the target," he told NOC goal .  

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